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AACC基金会致力于满足学生不断变化的需求. Below you will find a list of our current initiatives. 

Future Nursing Professionals Scholarship

The demand for skilled and compassionate nurses is at an all-time high. To address the critical shortage of nurses in our community, AACC发起了一项雄心勃勃的计划,将我们排名第一的注册护理课程的入学人数增加一倍. 我们的目标是培养一大批有才能的护理专业人员,以服务社会的医疗需要. 

We know, however, 许多渴望从事护理事业的学生没有经济资源来参加我们的课程.


这种至关重要的支持将使申请人获得所需的信息,他们需要自信地接受他们在AACC护理计划中的位置, 确保没有财务障碍的成功之路,同时也有助于满足我们地区的需求.

Learn more about this essential initiative.

Increased Scholarship Opportunities

Students with Swoop the Riverhawk on campus in fall

奖学金帮助我们的学生创造机会,支持他们走向成功. To meet the needs of our students, the AACC Foundation is working to significantly increase the number of private scholarships available for students so each student can achieve their academic goals.

With your support, 我们可以确保每个人都能获得我们大学改变生活的机会.

Establishing a Scholarship

Annual Scholarships are funded by the donor on a year-by-year basis. Establishing an annual scholarship will allow your gift to go to work immediately, helping AACC students achieve their academic dreams.

  • Annual scholarships can be established with a minimum gift(s) of $5,000 or more.
  • Working together, AACC基金会将帮助确定奖学金概况,包括奖励标准和您希望支持的任何特定兴趣领域. 

Endowed Scholarships 是被设计成永久的,自我维持的基金,以支持学生的未来吗. When you create an endowed scholarship, you are creating a permanent legacy at AACC. 

  • Permanently endowed scholarships can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000. 本金用于投资,利息收入的一部分在基金到期后每年用于奖励. 
  • AACC基金会将帮助建立奖学金档案,包括奖励标准. 

For information about scholarships contact Holly Cole at 410-777-2110 or

Featured Scholarship Opportunities

Future Nursing Professionals Scholarship

未来护理专业奖学金为参加AACC顶级护理课程的学生提供经济支持, 让他们有机会在最先进的设备上接受世界级专业人士的培训. This scholarship is designed to ensure that all qualified, 想要进入护理专业的勤奋学生有完成学业所需的资源. 

Donate to the Future Nursing Professionals Scholarship

Clauson Center Trades Education Scholarship

技术行业的培训为学生提供了有价值的职业,支付家庭维持的工资. 克劳森中心贸易教育奖学金确保我们社区的所有成员都可以获得这些职业. 它为克劳森创新和技术贸易中心提供的课程的学生提供支持.

Donate to the Clauson Center Trades Education Scholarship

Emerging Healthcare Professionals Scholarship

新兴医疗保健专业人员奖学金支持AACC学生在医疗保健领域追求学术卓越和未来的职业生涯. This scholarship ensures that careers in health care, including emergency medical services, physical therapist assisting, medical assisting, medical coding, massage therapy, surgical technology and more, are accessible for AACC students who are working to meet the needs of our community.

Donate to the Emerging Healthcare Professionals Scholarship

Scholarship for Associate Degree Completion

在完成副学士学位的过程中,学生可能会面临复杂的财务状况和障碍. 完成副学士学位奖学金为在AACC完成学分学位课程的15学分以内的学生提供经济支持,以支持他们走向成功.

Donate to the Scholarship for Associate Degree Completion

Pathways to Credit Studies Scholarship

学分学习之路奖学金向学习学分课程的AACC学生开放,无论课程领域或剩余学分数量如何. This scholarship may be used to cover tuition, 学生成功完成课程可能需要的费用和/或教育材料.

Donate to the Pathways to Credit Studies Scholarship

Access to Noncredit Studies Scholarship

非学分学习奖学金为学生提供就业培训的机会, professional skills and certifications. These scholarships support students interested in dental assisting, nursing assisting, veterinary assisting, administrative professional and more. Depending on the program, scholarship funds may cover tuition, fees and other necessary program expenses to help students kick-start their careers.

Donate to the Access to Noncredit Studies Scholarship

Powerful Workforce Programs

Photo collage of Clauson Center, 包括建筑物外部和建筑物内部的设备和工作站的图像

要填补该社区每年发布的4000个交易职位越来越难. At the same time, members of our community are looking to rebuild and retool for the jobs of tomorrow. 克劳森创新和技术贸易中心的AACC劳动力发展项目专门为学生提供进入就业市场并取得成功所需的实用技能和知识. By collaborating closely with local industries, AACC has aligned its programs with the demands of the labor market, ensuring that graduates possess the skills employers need. By bridging the gap between education and industry demands, AACC is helping reduce unemployment rates and boosting the local economy.

HelpLink: AACC's Emergency Support

Three students standing in front of gymnasium on campus

最深刻的学习发生在学生拥有成功所需的资源和归属感的时候. AACC对学生的承诺超越了课堂,以确保需要经济援助的学生能够支付食物, medical bills and transportation, and have access to other basic needs.


For many of our students, 经济危机或基本需求的缺乏可能意味着他们大学生涯的结束. 帮助链通过提供紧急支持来支持学生,这样他们就可以在重新站起来的同时继续努力完成学业.

HelpLink Fund for Nursing

为AACC护理学生提供基本必需品的需求是一个紧迫的问题,直接影响到我们地区医疗保健的未来. 由于在这一重要领域追求职业所需的时间和经济承诺,护理专业的学生在他们的教育道路上面临着许多独特的挑战. 护理帮助链基金通过确保护理学生获得成功学生和未来医疗保健领导者所需的资源和基本必需品来支持我们的下一代医疗保健专业人员.


We’re happy to help.

AACC Foundation


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